



A Resolution of the Board of Mayor and Aldermen of the City of Ridgetop to authorize the city to participate in the Omnia Partners Master Intergovernmental Cooperative Purchasing Agreement



A Resolution declaring certain property surplus to the needs of the City of Ridgetop, Tennessee, and calling for it's disposal by selling as scrap or any other reasonable manner



A Resolution supporting the need for continued recreational activities within the City of Ridgetop, Tennessee



A Resolution to adopt the City of Ridgetop 2025 Parks and Recreational Master Plan





A Resolution authorizing the execution of an agreement to provide fire protection and firs responder services between the City of Ridgetop, Tennessee and Robertson County, Tennessee



A Resolution declaring certain property surplus to the needs of the City of Ridgetop, Tennessee, and calling for it's disposal by selling as scrap or any other reasonable manner



A Resolution authorizing the execution of an inter-local agreement between the City of Ridgetop, Tennessee and Robertson County, Tennessee and the emerency communication district of Robertson County, Tennessee in reference to the City of Ridgetop's pro-rata contribution to the funding of emergency dispatch by the district for emergency responding personnel and services


A Resolution declaring certain property surplus to the needs of the City of Ridgetop, Tennessee, and calling for it's disposal by selling as scrap or any other reasonable manner



A Resolution to establish the montly salary of each duly elected alderman for the City of Ridgetop, Tennessee to equal one hundred and fifty dollars ($150.00) per month beginning with the next term for which any such officer is elected and/or duly appointed



A Resolution to authorizing the City of Ridgetop to participate in the Pool "Safety Partners" Loss Control Matching Safety Grant Program


A resolution of the Board of Mayor and Aldermen of the city of Ridgetop to provide check signing authority for the city of Ridgetop’s bank accounts.





A Resolution and/or ordinance to delegate to the Robertson County emergency communications E-911 district the authority to number streets within the muncipal jurisdication of Ridgetop, Tennessee



A Resolution declaring certain property surplus to the needs of the City of Ridgetop, Tennessee, and calling for it's disposal by selling and any other reasonable manner



A Resolution to authorize the City of Ridgetop to negotiate and enter into a contract within Wilson and Ruth Elizabeth Webb and Kimberly Webb contingent upon board approval and adequate financing for the purchase of all or portion of their land and improvements, map/parcel NO's. 132C-C-003 00-000 and 132E-A-049 00-000 within the City of Ridetop, Tennessee


Lake Road Sewer Extension Project Contract for Award Ridgetop, Tennessee



A Resolution approving the purchase a portion of certain land owned by ISAM LOUIS EL-NIMIRI and purchase of a grant of permanent public utility and drainage easement and temporary construction easement over, under and above certain land owned by ISAM LOUIS EL-NIMIRI all of record in record book 1339, page 459, register's office for Robertson County, Tennessee



A Resolution authorizing the execution of an inter-local agreement between the City of Ridgetop, Tennessee and Robertson County, Tennessee and the emergency communication district of Robertson County, Tennessee in reference to the City of Ridgtop's pro-rata contribution to the funding of emergency dispatch by the district for emergency responding personnel and services



A Resolution to adopt the cyber security plan for the City of Ridgetop, Tennessee



A Resolution declaring certain property surplus to the needs of the City of Ridgetop, Tennessee, and calling for its disposal by selling as scrap or any other reasonable manner



A Resolution for American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) allocation



A Resolution authorizing the City of Ridgetop to participate in the pool "safety partners" loss control matching safety grant program



A Resolution to adopt the established guidelines for citizen comments during all public meetings for the City of Ridgetop, Tennessee



A Resolution approving the purchase of a portion of certain land owned by Ronald Rider and Kelly Rider for a grant of permanent public utility and drainage easement and temporary construction easement over, under and above certain land owned by Ronald Rider and Kelly Rider all of record in record book 1868, page 228, register's office for Robertson County, Tennessee


A Resolution acknowledging an application for recreational and playground equipment donation and renovation grant from Bluecross Blue Shield of Tennessee foundation



A Resolution authorizing the City of Ridgetop to participate in the property conservation matching grant program



A Resolution declaring certain property surplus to the needs of the City of Ridgetop, Tennessee, and calling for its disposal by selling and any other reasonable manner





A Resolution of the Board of Mayor and Aldermen of the City of Ridgetop to provide check signing authority for the City of Ridgetop's bank accounts



A Resolution declaring certain property surplus to the needs of the City of Ridgetop, Tennessee, and calling for it's disposal by selling as Scrap or any other reasonable manner


A Resolution declaring certain property surplus to the needs of the City of Ridgetop, Tennessee, and calling for it's disposal by selling by Online Auction or any other reasonalble manner



A Resolution to authorize the compromise and settlement of the pending cause of action of Georgia McKissick against the City of Ridgetop, Tennessee



A Resolution authorizing the execution of an inter-local agreement between the City of Ridgetop, Tennessee and Robertson County, Tennessee and the emergency communication district of Robertson County, Tennessee in reference to the City of Ridgetop's pro-rata contribution to the funding of emergency dispatch by the district for emergency responding personnel and services



A  Resolution Authorizing The Execution Of A Memorandum Of Understanding Between The City Of Ridgetop, Tennessee And Robertson County, Tennessee And Robertson County, Tennessee In Reference To The City Of Ridgetop’s Pro-Rata Purchase Certain Emergency Communications Equipment



A Resolution To Accept The Tennessee Department Of Environment And Conservation (Tdec) Arpa Funding, Commit To Match And Approval Of Application Submission



A Resolution To Adopt Title VI Policies and Practices to Provide Compliance with the Civil Rights Act of 1964 (42 U.S.C. 2000D et seq)



A Resolution To Accept The Tennessee Department Of Environment And Conservation (Tdec) Arpa Funding, Commit To Match And Approval Of Application Submission






A Resolution Adopting a Plan of Service for the Annexation of 2049 Liebengood Road by the City of Ridgetop, Tennessee



A Resolution to Adopt Guidelines for Citizen Comments During Public Meetings and Regular Meetings fo the Board of Mayor and Alderman of Ridgetop, Tennessee



A Resolution by the City of Ridgetop, Tennessee to accept the irrevocable letters of credit from W&M Investments, LLC. In the amount of 80,000 and 250, 000 for the purpose of making and performance of the required improvements and construction of the public improvements in Browing Estates subdivision within the corporate limits of the City of Ridgetop, Tennessee in accordance with the local government specifications, ordinances and subdivision regulations



A Resolution authorizing the execution of an inter-local agreement between the City of Ridgtop, Tennessee and Robertson County, Tennessee and the Emergency Communication District of Robertson County, Tennessee in reference to the City of Ridgetop's Pro-Rata contribution to the funding of emergency dispatch by the district of emergency responding personnel and services



A Resolution authorizing the City of Ridgetop to participate in the pool "Safety Partners" Loss Control Matching Safety Grant Program




A Resolution Authorizing Mayor to Terminate a Purchase Option Agreement for Certain Real Property Located at 7205 Greer Road, Identified as Map 140 Parcel 79.00, Robertson County, TN


A Resolution Whereas, Tennessee Public Chapter No. 651, Title III-22, Items 10.33-34 Established the Governor's Local Government Support Grants Which Provides Funding that Local Governments May Request


A Resolution Amending Job Descriptions for all Current Positions with the City of Ridgetop


A Resolution Declaring Certain Properties Surplus to the Needs of the City of Ridgetop and Calling for its Disposal by Donation to the City of Goodlettsville or any Other Reasonable Manner


A Resolution Authorizing the Execution of an Inter-Local Agreement between the City of Ridgetop, Tennessee and Robertson County, Tennessee and the Emergency Communication District of Robertson County, Tennessee in Reference to the City of Ridgetop's Pro-Rata Contribution to the Funding of Emergency Dispatch by the District for Emergency Responding Personnel and Services


A Resolution Authorizing the City of Ridgetop to Continue Participation in the TEMA Flood Hazard Mitigation Grant Program


A Resolution of the Board of Mayor and Aldermen of the City of Ridgetop to Provide Check Signing Authority for the City of Ridgetop's Bank Accounts